Jul 5Liked by Diane K24

In Plato's time, correct me if I'm wrong, slavery was in good part what allowed it to blossom.. No dirty jobs for those guys. That's why I guess they could wear white, like the Roman togas of later years. Tho it should be said that if a good many were of the cotton fields/mines/construction horrendous types, it wasn't the case for all. Some even selling themselves in slavery! Yep.

For cash in pocket, free food and shelter etc...as teachers, cooks, in healthcare what have you!

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Jul 5Liked by Diane K24

Can't hurt. As I have a nasty habit of repeating end less Lee

If it doesn't do much or even any good, it certainly won't hurt either. We may have left the last station tho, barreling down the tracks without much if any, clue as to a way to stop, get off hopefully still standing. You want a real weapon? One that was used pretty effectively in the past here there and everywhere but that in the US seems to have been forgotten shall we say. It's not free, costly actually and it can be quite painful ok! Can't deny that!

But and here in particular because the überschtormtruppers and associates absolutely aren't ready for it!

Civil Disobedience!

Better known as STRIKE!


What can they do about it?

Pretty much zip for now Since Biden is still president and will be for a while, no matter what.

In a Trump Era, we have no chance to do it, anything much really, and less and less as time passes while staying unharmed. You all know that unless you found the best ever most beautiful hole in the sand. Ah no sorry that one's taken, it's the Schtroumpfer's.

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Thank you!

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🙏🏼 thank you! Especially for link to Bruce Springsteen’s - Born in the USA video. A few folks that repel conversation, written or verbal, may be triggered by this particular video, and begin to think about hard working Americans that are the backbone of this country. Those people, and all but sycophants, will be smashed by a dictator that cares about no one. Love that Bruce Springsteen and President Biden are friends. Bet they have some great conversations. Have already forwarded video, in hopes of waking someone out of a stupor, a military turned blue collar worker, that just might start thinking. Who can resist Bruce Springsteen anyway ?

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Thanks, Janis!💙🇺🇸

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Thank you Diane!🙏🏻💙

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Jul 2Liked by Diane K24

I am writing post cards to swing states.

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“Now, more than ever..” Thanks for this morning’s post 🇺🇸

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Thanks, Martha💙

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I couldn’t agree more Diane! Here’s a fairly pain free way to get involved. Postcards to Dem voters have a good track for success in getting people engaged. Here are some links for postcarding: I've had good experiences with all three of these sites:

Seniors Taking Action: https://seniorstakingaction.org

Field Team 6: https://fieldteam6-partners.herokuapp.com

Postcards to Swing States: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/

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Signing up seniors. May look at others.

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Thank you, Kym! I plan to do a post with sources and will add yours. Jessica Craven has great ideas too💙🇺🇸💙

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Jul 2Liked by Diane K24

Thank you for this message this morning! It's like a breath of fresh air! Those two words, "Just Stop", can take on so many connotations! I like the one spoken by Lady Galadriel to Frodo in LOTR: "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."

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Butterfly effect?

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Jul 2Liked by Diane K24

Exactly!! 🦋

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Thanks, Diane! I love that quote!💙

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Jul 2Liked by Diane K24

PS: I'm gonna take your suggestion and weed out my Substack today of the "hot air" and negative vibes. 😘

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Diane K24: Trump must be defeated at all costs, especially as the Supreme Court irresponsibly put a potential new Trump administration on steroids.

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Many of us are here defending democracy

But wasn’t it democracy that gave us Trump?

Actually no, as we are a republic and have always been so.

I can remember That Plato did not like democracy. For a democracy to work, in theory, wasn’t a knowledgeable electorate required?

Remind me, who was the American philosopher who argued against democracy believing that minorities can suffer the most by an oppressive majority?

Intellectual discussions about the best government all seem to relate back to Plato’s theory of forms that if we can conceive of an ideal the ideal must exist. But are we capable of conceiving an ideal. Do we know enough to construct an ideal?

As Socrates concluded “I know nothing.”

I’m just rambling, exploring my own thoughts and may be best to just ignore me as, it seems, Wittgenstein and the lion cannot understand each other

However, I must find ways to work more efficiently to support my honest belief that Trump must not be elected and this Supreme Court must be dissolved and reformed if this country has any hope of working towards more human rights.

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Jim Sanders: James Madison wanted a balanced Government so that minority rights were protected.

I think this was consonant with the thought of most of the Founding Fathers, particularly John Adams.

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I actually knew what you were saying. I was only stating that many philosophers were against democracy and their reasons for it. Since I wrote that post I’ve dug a little deeper and found a lot of people either against it or dubious.

As far as Madison, I believe he had good intentions but our countries history shows a lot of oppression of minorities. This includes women to this day, people of color and more. Trump was elected and may be elected again by the people, with the help of the electoral college. Democracies can be rigged and are subject to corruption. However that is true for all forms of government.

Bottom line is there is no perfect form of government and the value of our democracy will decrease dramatically as the theocrats gain more power.

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Jim Sanders: Madison and Jefferson on the surface seem like products of the Enlightenment, but especially Jefferson in his "Notes on the State of Virginia" revealed absolutely shocking and repugnant racial attitudes.

Strange what these men could co-exist with: All men are created equal . . . And especially the overt racism revealed in "Notes on the State of Virginia."

My disillusionment with the Founding Fathers (with a few exceptions) is part of my overall cynicism about humanity after so many unthinkable events in history.

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Jim, I suppose democratic Republic sounds better, but people use Democracy to draw a line in the sand between it and fascism. (?)

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Diane K24: There is a TECHNICAL difference. Rome was a Republic before the Civil Wars that ultimately brought them Augustus Caesar. Athens was a Democracy with direct participation.

America has the formal aspects of a Republic, since direct Democracy with over 300 millions would be infeasible, so we rely on indirect representation, for example, by legislatures.

But the processes are, in modern parlance, "democratic."

To put a fine point on it, a Republic, but in parlance, Democratic structures and procedures.

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Gotcha, Armand. The average guy doesn’t know the terms though. Boy, do we need political processes and terms taught in school!

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Agree, Armand! Thanks for re-posting!

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