Sitemap - 2023 - Diane’s Blue Notes

Hello, 2024! We Are Ready To Win & Grin!

Thank You, Dear Subscribers!

Huge Lawsuit Being Issued for Big Stinky T & Co.

Swing Sky High Over the R-Trolls

Capturing the Moment

Simple Christmases Are Treasures

Story Prompt: Where Is This Wee Girl Going?

Get Your Joy On

Walking on Eggshells at Christmas Dinner

Yes, Virginia. . .Be Kind

The Most Important Book You’ll Read for 2024: “Democracy Awakening” by Heather Cox Richardson

Time To Make Merry: Make Time So Loved Ones Feel Your Love

“Are you—a Nobody—Too?” No Worries!

Together We Will!

Couples In Bubbles

Brown Boxes

Are We Having Fox for Christmas Dinner?

Hope is the thing . . .

2 Milestones Missed

The Art of Distraction

“Stop Whining, Donnie!”

Art, Music, Literature, and History Keep Us Sane and Humane

Recommendation: Jen Rubin’s Green Room Interview with Heather Cox Richardson

Hurry! Jump Aboard the “Peace Train”!

The Bearded Collie Who Owns Us

Blocking Political Slanderers

93-Years-Young and Smarter Than Those 30 Years Younger

"GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL" and How to Prevent It“

Don’t Let the Old Orange Guy Steal Your Joy at Thanksgiving & Christmas

Anyone out there feeling guilty you will have plenty of Thanksgiving food?


Seeing “From a Distance” is what we need to do right now—

Thank you, Dear Subscribers!

Clark Kent Biden for President in 2024

“Gone From My Sight”

When is your “blue o’clock”?

Back when we were young and carefree . . .

HCR Book Talk (live)

Single-issue voters hit one tree and fail to see the forest ahead

Vote Out the Freedom Caucus

Bursting Donnie’s Lifelong Fantasy Bubble

Help Block Anti-Democracy Trolls

Can you have too much candy? Oh, yeah!

Legal Eagle Ladies

The Art of Leading a Boring Life

I didn’t know I was poor until 7th grade

Platitudes About Gun Control by Politicians

Taking Time to Breathe

Special Thanks to New Followers and Subscribers

Simple Interview for Disqualifying Presidential Candidates (&Speakers)

Part 2 of 2 After My Father’s April Fool’s Day Suicide

David Mallett’s “Celebration”

An April Fool’s Day That Haunts Me Still

What was your first childhood memory?

Will Jordan’s Posse Flip?

Gerald Manley Hopkins “Spring and Fall”

You cannot look into my eyes and resist!

Leaf me up! Joy in motion, Mr. Paddy!

Welcome to Diane’s Blue Notes, new subscribers and followers! Thank you!

Aye, Mateys, bring on the planks for the ship-of-state traitors

“Oh Peace Train take this country” - Cat Stevens (Yusef)

Yes, Virginia, get yourself a Democracy Shark to “neutralize” media poison

Democracy Blue Dog Puts 4 Paws Up for

Why we need another Harriet Tubman now

Why do some humans never talk to their dogs on walks?

The Road Home

Jen Rubin, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen: Listen well!

Walk with me 🧢🐾

Blue Democracy Dog

Wait for it, wait . . .

My book arrived!

Sunday Night Fever

My Boy’s New Groomer Wore Him Out!

Waiting for My Baby Boy

Time to stop and smell the roses today!

[COPY] Sitting in church wondering who is . . .

Sitting in church wondering who is . . .

Hungry Writing Assistant

Gather Ye Rosebuds…Good Times Are Still Coming For You!

Get Your Deep Merde Boots and Nose-pins Ready

The Danger of Extreme Tunnel Vision and the One-Issue Voter

Way Back When TV Was New

Heard Along the Way

Red Oxygen Eaters

We the People

The courts should have forbidden Trump’s email requests for money until after the trials

Liars, liars, pants on fire for their lifetimes

Substack Comfort Dog Hard At Work

Private School Vouchers Steal Your Public Tax Money

For lovers of Letters From An American by @Heather Cox Richardson, you can pre-order now on Amazon before the September sale date

Think before you invite someone to share your bench

Red Trollers Alert

Remodeling the Big “House” and My Tiny Cottage

Fools to the left, fools to the right! Silence in the big middle

Thank you, dear subscribers!

Never Forget “This Land Is Your Land”, and Blood Has Been Shed For It

Yes, President Abraham Lincoln, We Will Celebrate the 4th Again

Busy Working People Need To Learn What’s At Stake In 2024

Beware Republican Politicians Wrapped in Flags

Too Close to Home

A Simple Proposal That Will Never Happen

Regression for all to see in the Supreme Court

“Hope is a thing with feathers…”

Diane’s Blue Notes

Two Super Stars! And the answer is. . .

D’s Blue Notes