New to me too. Which side am on: Blue and green.

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Funny, I never heard of any of this and I was born in Southern Missouri

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Red plague. Red Tide. A Protozoa that devours. An algae that kills all life inn the seas to lead dead fish and birds. Rainwater drains from over fertile fields double- trouble when the stench wafts across the land. Change the ways. Renew EPA that t-rump hog-tied to allow for more lies that continue to haunt the air of blue skies.

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Yes, Richard! We must break the red menacing stench on land and sea!

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Beautifully said . . . May God bless America and rid us of this red scourge !!!!! Vote !!!!!

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Vote 💙🇺🇸💙

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This is wonderful, Diane! Both the red and blue and the union song (which is not heard before). Thank you!

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Thanks, Sally💙🇺🇸💙

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I want to shout out to Teri C for sharing another rendition of “Which Side Are You On?” Perhaps other singers will write the 2024 version opposing Trump-Billionaires-Putin!


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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Powerful imagery and a very appropriate video. Thank you, Diane.

About two-thirds of the way through the video there is a scene showing the burning of temporarily built shacks with the dome of the U.S. Capitol in the background. I’m thinking that might have been the dismantling and burning by the Hoover Administration of just one of the many Hoovervilles that sprang up around the country as people lost their homes and farms in the Republican Great Depression. Not much different than now as the SCOTUS has criminalized homelessness.

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

The first image of the dystopian red canyon, which could very well be similar to the ruins of an ancient civilization in Egypt or the Middle East, brought the passage from Psalms 23:4 to mind - “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,”

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Michael, you’re spot on! 💙🇺🇸💙

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I am on the side of empathy, intelligence, science, "leaders" not "rulers", defenders of Democracy. I am on VP Kamala Harris' side. I am recharged and refreshed by the new political juggernaut rolling across this country.

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Sean, you do my heart good. Likewise, I’m all out for Kamala💙🇺🇸💙

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I have not read you before.

My loss.

Your images and words are woven together create moving piece of art.

Thank you!

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Thank you, Susan!

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Diane K24: This is a very powerful, even softly understated song. What interesting history.

The song and the video had me looking deeper.

I am reminded, by some of the scenes, of a very dishonorable role Douglas MacArthur played against the Bonus Army in May to July, 1932.

These were veterans from the Great War (WWI) who were suffering under the worldwide Depression and who built shantytowns near the Capitol to strike and petition Congress for the bonus Woodrow Wilson and Congress had promised at the end of WWI but failed to deliver.

Douglas MacArthur and his army terrorized, bulldozed, burnt down, and tear-gassed the Bonus Army, apparently with Douglas MacArthur believing these Patriots were Bolshevik inspired.


Diane K24: No wonder I love your columns. You remind us of the long heritage we have in the labor movement.

Part of me loves that time, but part of me is quite sad for the immense suffering of workers then.

Thank you so very much for sharing!

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Thanks, Armand. So much has changed, but blue collar workers still have to fight the boss Hogs! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Love this version https://youtu.be/pRWZe1KLfq8?si=o9kOj_5lq8lD32l_

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Live this so much! Thanks for sharing!

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Wow, Teri C! I’ve never heard it and love it!

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Vote blue!

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You bet💙🇺🇸💙

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Love the video. Wow

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

I'm on the side of The People.

No tomfoolery will tear me from being a good neighbor.

I'm not changing my life to accommodate the Divide.

I'm against powerful Wealthy tugs at Democracy, they represent to pull the rug out from underneath us to separate the masses by a rageful stance, we all suffer for nothing.

Recall what we are told to do with this propagated narrative. File 13 is the answer. It's garbage.

Republicans in office show their cards, they are enamored with the Wealthy and all that it can do for their careers.

Weak and without courage those that pretend to be on the side of the people but line their pockets with dark money to tear at the fabric of our Democracy, are sheep.

Bring us Americans your best in leadership or get booted!

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Well-said, ant! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Thank you Diane, for this strong piece.

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You couldn't have picked a better song for the current moment in time in the US. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic that the tide is starting to turn against the red plague.

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Thanks! Hard work ahead🇺🇸💙

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Strong imagery, Diane. The Republican party has been destroyed. No doubt about it. People who have always identified as Republican I think are confused and deep down inside, dont want to be swept up in the insanity and hate that is MAGA. While I feel relieved over the events of the last week, I know we MUST overcome the threat of authoritarianism and keep working! 💙💙💙

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Thanks, Susan💙

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Jul 31Liked by Diane K24

Hear Hear!

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