Bad things happen to bad people

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Peter, now all of his enablers need to be held accountable too.

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And as far as 34 counts not being enough Diane Trump is not done yet. Karma struck today and it will again.

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I was a union representative with the United Steelworkers for 8 years Diane and whenever we would get together with the railroad executives to settle grievances they were predominantly male and would cover each other’s asses. It would take forever to settle even the most slam dunk grievances. Then we were given a bright, smart, tough woman from labour relations to work with and, I can tell you she could cut through the old boys club. She was tough, but fair. And Smart!

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When given the chance, women rise to the occasion and work harder. I taught and all the principals were male former coaches. Their heads were all about sports until women became administrators. One brilliant lady at my school was appointed VP, and she moved up to principal. The men played up to her but she cut them off. She was the best principal!

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What a great line, “women can win this election for Joe Biden”. I personally feel, and I sincerely believe this. More women should be in positions of power. The world would be a better place wouldn’t it?

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Smart women can get the job done because they know how Trumpians demean women and anyone really who isn’t a maga-Republican. From the start they hated Biden for appointing bright women of all colors to his administration. 34 counts aren’t enough, Peter!

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I am very relieved to have been wrong.

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I was on pins & needles until count 3 guilty. Then I felt good.

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Woo hoo! What a day! May 30, 2024🥂🍾👯‍♀️🎶

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Tada! Time to toast Justice!

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Tada!!! Love it. Cheers Diane!

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Convicted felon, lowercased don. Justice.

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Here's action: Ken Burns' Wonderful address!! Pass it along….


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It is! Thanks, Mary!

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Thanks for your post.

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No kidding ... Will prayer work?

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Prayer plus action💙🇺🇸💙

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May 30Liked by Diane K24

My thoughts exactly!

I’m still so anxious about the verdict😰

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I certainly hope so.

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I couldn't agree with you more, but I'm not optimistic that Trump will be held accountable for his many crimes.

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Maybe not all —but surely many!

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