Winnie is adorable! Look forward to reading all the news about her!

Our last puppy was Meg, the prettiest cocker. I was bereft when she passed away. Six months later we adopted Ollie, a 12 year old rescue springer, now 14, and he is so devoted to his ‘Mummy’.

Making a better world for humans and animals is why we ‘do’ politics.

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Winnie’s face could melt an iceberg. I’m so happy for you. Look forward to more photos. She will love keeping an eye on the beautiful deer. Love that they feel sanctuary in your yard. I can understand how they sense that peace in your space, given your kindness and wisdom - such as - “sway them to vote blue instead of insulting their intelligence”. Thank you 🙏🏼

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The litter stays close and sleep in a clump the owner said 💕💕

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Thanks, Janis! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Aug 20Liked by Diane K24

So very happy you've made a decision to transfer your Love to a furry beating heart 💓 The love will just take your breath away. She is darling, bottle that puppy breath!!! Have fun!

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We are 2 weeks from puppy kisses! 💕

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Oh heaven help me, Winnie melts my heart 🥰

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She is precious. I am imagining that wonderful puppy smell.

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So sweet! When there are puppies involved, it melts my heart every time 🤭

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She might have a puppy left💕

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A very sweet pup!

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Apparently the photo didn’t make it!

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Liz, I thought you’d enjoy our temporary pup stuffed and huggable. He looks like our Paddy making him a comfort dog! I confess we took him and put him in the foot of the bed in July just because …💕🐶💕

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He looks very huggable!

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Yes, but not as good as the real thing 🐶💕

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True. 😊

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So exciting....just a gorgeous little sweetie!

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