
Day 3 after surgery—I have just realized everyone looks prettier or handsome if I shut the unoperated eye. WOW! I’m afraid everyone will be greater with 2 super-eyes! 😎 Also, no joke, the blues are outstandingly gorgeous! Just saying! 💙

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That's on my list and I hope to get it done in a few months. My reading prescription is so strong and still can't read small print. I hope it all went wonderfully!

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I had to use the iPhone magnifier to see small print for comics (first clue), and then the paper headlines had shadows under them. I wish I had had the surgery sooner. My eye doctor would not give me a new prescription because he said it wouldn’t help. So I took the his advice.

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I see my eye doctor in April, he told me last year that I should be expecting to have it done after he sees me next.

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Wishing you the best outcome. I had the surgery on my right eye & it’s made a big difference...good luck!

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Thanks, Sandra!

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Wishing you all the Best, Diane!

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Thanks, Paul💙

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Any one sensitive to sunlight? Dark glasses a must? Glare of car headlights? The surgery awaits me. Then one day, macular degeneration. Age is not for sissies.

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Diane K24: Go to the very best ophthalmic surgeon, that is essential.

My two cataract surgeries were with Dr. James Robert Echols, II of Passons Eye Center, PLLC, Memphis. I paid myself for the premium surgery, much not covered by my own insurance, but it was well worth it.

A year later, I see better than ever.

I say all this not to be autobiographical, but to let you know the cataract surgery can be a BLESSING.

Keep the eyes moist with eyedrops for a while.

God bless you, Diane: I am very optimistic, based not only on my own, but also on the experiences of others, especially those of my well-loved wife, Nancy, whose experience was also wonderful: She sees better than ever.

May you enjoy the same result!

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Jan 27Liked by Diane K24

Best to you for a quick and complete recovery!

I may be right behind you. My bff got her eyes “done” last year and is doing great!

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Thanks! I’ll report later next week!

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Great plan, Diane! Wish you well with your procedures! I am about 3 months out from the second and very pleased. I have astigmatism too and so need Rx. glasses as well. Was so amazed watching TV without any glasses initially but the clarity decreased a smidgeon over time, the glasses 🤓 are helpful but not absolutely necessary for me. My only complaint is itchy eyes? 👀 Not awful, use lubricating drops anyway and must remember to keep my hands away from my face. Cat allergies may be the culprit but they are family so will stay ❤️😽😽. I’m using a sleeping mask at night to keep my hands away from eyes and prevent the dust from heating system to get in my eyes. I love the way the iPad lights the screen for reading. As it happens, must read some actual paper books today. I’ve been resisting so happy with changing the backlighting and font size with device. GOOD LUCK! It’s not a bad procedure, only about 15 minutes each but Strange is best description. I’ll be thinking about you. 😘

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Dry eyes & allergies will keep me in line too. I don’t know the directions yet for returning home, but there are no office visits between surgery 1 and 2 because my doctor put an antibiotic into the eye (yikes!). Surgery had improved since my husband had his eyes done 10 years ago. I was the full-time eye dropper with an intense schedule. That’s the first surprise when I asked about drops. No big deal!

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Jan 27Liked by Diane K24

Good luck. Been there, both eyes. Technically legally blind (beyond 20/200) on the first one.

The surgery won’t fix other vision issues, but things will be a lot brighter and clearer.

Did they mention you have to be awake for the procedure? Local only so you can follow the surgeon’s request for moving your eyeball.

Please give us an update when both are done and the pirate patch removed.

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Yes, he did say that, Michael. My concern was lying in one position for so long without going to the restroom! I have 3 joint replacements too.

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Jan 27Liked by Diane K24

Like your hubby, mine were done around dozen years ago, 18 months apart. I remember the rigid eye drop schedule.

Two eyes, three joints - you need to schedule the whole body replacement surgery.

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Exactly, Michael! I wish🤣🤣🤣

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Jan 27Liked by Diane K24

Good for u

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All the best with your surgeries, Diane.

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Thanks, Paul. Btw I loved your article on walking yesterday!

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Thanks, Diane. It turned our to be a really popular post! I certainly had fun writing it. I'm going to follow it up with a post about ebikes. They're becoming really popular.

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I’m a big walker but Covid got me out of the house and healthier!

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Best wishes. I had the procedure done.

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Thanks, Manuel! It seems I’m not alone!

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Best to you. Been through that myself -- it will be a great relief!

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Thanks, Patricia!

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I had it two years ago... a week apart. It was a breeze after all my worry about eye surgery! Other than drops, not bending over nor sleeping on one side a few day...my life was not that interrupted. Wishing you a quick recovery and all the better to see, my dear! 😂😅

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Thanks, Joan!

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Hope it helps you as much as it did me! See you soon!

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Thanks, Carol!

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Jan 27Liked by Diane K24

Best wishes! I’ve heard nothing but praise for the surgery from all who have had it!!

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