Adorable and peaceful pics!

As I saw this I was literally already wondering if the two enormous bucks with fully grown antlers will again—as they have the last 3 nights— use our old and broken fence as a ladder (and punching bag it sometimes sounds like) to access our unused grapevines and our old non-bearing pear tree. That’s cool, but I am not keen on a leap over the fence from those big dudes. We’re still hoping to get our tomatoes to ripen.

And our dog (a popular hunting & pet breed) thinks she is much mightier than she is. Last time she confronted them was when both she and my husband were surprised by a buck in our yard at dusk. She stood up on her hind legs between my husband and the buck and barked her heart out. She hadn’t done that before and hasn’t since. The buck bailed back over the fence, thankfully.

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The deer have not gotten enough nutrients this dry, dry summer here.

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What a sweet gift to be able to see. They like your safe haven.

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You are so fortunate! About the only time I actually see deer in my yard is after the pear tree bears fruit. It's an old tree and the branches are too high to think about harvesting the pears. So they fall to the ground which is where deer can access them.

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We are apparently the deer safety spa in our neighborhood 😎We love them. Maybe they know that!

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Aug 16Liked by Diane K24

How peaceful these photos are. Thank you for giving them a peaceful spot to rest.

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Diane K24: Thank you for sharing beautiful photography! So graceful and beautiful.

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Gorgeous pictures of the deer. What great company you have!

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Just fabulous and like my overgrown yard on purpose to provide many munchies. Your photos are gorgeous! I love the young almost brand new fawns finding their legs and running so hard as if to say, gee, look what I have! as they even jump fences!

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Great photos. Love the deers. xx

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Lovely pics

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They found a wonderful place to rest. Beautiful photographs.

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Thanks, Monica!

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Stress effects flora, fauna and human. Ever think of a salt lick?

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They need water and rain. I think the deer are seeking plant leaf moisture. I’m not sure what salt would do. How about an ice cream lick lol ?

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Salt replenishes minerals lost.

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I’ll have to get some. Thanks, Richard!

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Wow! So many! Love them!

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So lovely. 🥰

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Love it, Diane. You’re giving them a sanctuary. Here on the farm, we have does with twins! They walk through every now and then! So beautiful!

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Aug 16Liked by Diane K24

Such gentle, beautiful creatures. 🩷

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Beautiful Doe and Fawns💕

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