We are at what could be a critical point after the debate because something was clearly amiss with President Biden who has done such a great job--and not enough is known about that or about what was wrong during the debate. As a president, he must make decisions and he has, brillliantly, but as a candidate he must communicate and he failed at that during the debate. The question we who support him and must face is whether he should gracefully concede and admit that one term was enough. I do think something is wrong, perhaps a medical condition that has not yet been diagnosed. That performance was not only a cold--how could it be? I'll vote for him but my fear is that the race is too close, that what is at stake is too great to allow Trump to win because, if he does, and he might, we will lose our democracy, our Constitution and our freedom. By not allowing someone younger and stronger to take over--and there is still time--he will be making the mistake that Ruth Bader Ginsburg made. I know this may not be what you want to hear Diane and I know that we are not the deciders for this question that I raise, but I do think we are at a critical point to save our country and prevent Trump, his morally deficient persona, his desire for an autocracy and his lies to take over.

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I think that I will still support Biden unless he supports someone else. I’ll never vote for Trump or a third party candidate. Did you see the NC rally? Great. His advisor for that debate did not let Joe be Joe, and CNN did not adjust their audio or stop Trump from not answering questions. I saw 5 people who might be nominated instead of Biden if that comes to be—and none of the younger options were worth their salt. We need to unify and get real however. Right now Putin and Trump magas are happy.

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I know and I did see the NC rally, but I still think we need a candidate who could cut Trump to slivers one-on-one. And yes, I will vote for Biden.

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Watching Joe's performance today in North Carolina, I could only think he was very tired last night...he admitted as much & he had a cold. (He was still coughing some while he spoke today) Also, Trump used a technique called the Gish Gallop. It's a debating technique based on overwhelming the opponent with specious arguments, half-truths, & outright lies with no regard for the accuracy of the arguments. This technique makes it impossible for the opponent to refute them all withing the format of a debate. Wikipedia.

The moderators NEVER reined Trump in and let him get away with not answering any of the questions put to him..because of course, he couldn't.

He performed brilliantly today.

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Was listening to Morning Joe & it disappeared?

Already heard Lincoln Project.

Watched Ari Melber interview presidential journalist Bob Woodward who made excellent suggestion. Something was wrong and this must be investigated! I would suggest by Biden’s personal physician. Or perhaps a check up at Walter Reed. (Retired nurse here.) This was so unlike Biden, something out of the ordinary dumpster fire 🔥 of the situation that is a dark room with no supporters to address, a hose of lies coming from his left, so many thoughts to express in 120 seconds before moving on……My idea as a mental health professional was perhaps a panic attack. An isolated event but the venue so like a tomb. With his thoughts on his son facing sentencing and more charges in court. He had no staff in the wings, so alone, the venue and rules were awful. A prime symptom of a panic attack is loss of train of thought even if content clearly known; sometimes complete loss of ability to speak. 🗣️ Just for what it’s worth. I feel sure his staff will address, but I do hope they review possible medical 🏥 issues. My love for this man is immense as is my love of country. Just trying to be helpful. FYI.

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Diane, I had a little more time than usual today, so I listened to both of those linked podcasts. I needed something to help ground me after the fallout. It's hardest, in times like these, to feel that everything plays out for a reason. I like Mika's advice to "not panic." But gosh, that's a tall order, too. Thanks for sharing these.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. We all need to stay calmer than the drama-king reporters and maga-queens. We can make sure to avoid people who bring up down. I’m muting a famous guy on Substack who is bitter and twice as bitter today. Frankly, the Democratic Party needs to be unified—and we don’t need backseat driver “experts.” Talk is cheap. Try to relax💙🇺🇸💙

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Listening to Joe stumble over his words against a known liar and felon was heatbreaking.

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Jun 28Liked by Diane K24

I’m still processing.

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Yes. I’m considering a distraction. We knew what Trump would do, and the debate rules were loose. Otherwise Trump would have been stopped for not answering the actual question rather than lying and attacking Biden. I’m for Joe more than ever.

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Jun 28Liked by Diane K24

Of course, me too🇺🇸

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