Tim Walt??

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Tim Walz - typo

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Diane, You gotta go here, subscribe and restack: This guy is fast, ironic and right on the money! https://substack.com/home/post/p-148548682 I think this is his second post. Hard to tell which is better. He's after the lies! and the facts.

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I’ll check him out later!

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Bingo! This is why I push so hard against doomsday folks. It's counter productive.

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I’m with Harris/Walz all the way. And I had to post to cleanse myself from reading the previous misinformation from Larry.

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I blocked & hid it. He is toxic.

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Thanks, Diane.

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Sep 1Liked by Diane K24

Diane K24 wrote “It just floors me that any religious person of any faith tradition could vote for a felon, a crude bully, and lover of dictators. “

I’d add to that a poster child for the Seven Deadly Sins and fervent violator of the Ten Commandments.

Individuals of two other groups also floor me when it comes to supporting Trump - law enforcement officers after what happened on Jan 6, 2021 and how any veteran could vote for him after his numerous comments and photo-ops of disrespect.

With respect to Diane’s comment on religious people, I believe it’s the single issue pro-life voter and white supremacist church goers (the ones that can only conceive of a white, Northern European God and Jesus).

With respect to the two groups I added, I believe it’s a combination of wanting a stable society through an authoritarian hierarchy structure, love of weapons, and ethnic cleansing of non-white, foreigners, and anything that threatens their MAGA view of what they believe America should be.

I want to stress, that I don’t believe everyone in any of these groups is a Trump follower or voter based solely upon their status of being religious, in law enforcement, or present or former military.

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Thanks, Michael. Well-said! 💙🇺🇸

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RemovedSep 1
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You need to be blocked

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