As a retiree (yes, one of those "leaches" living off the Social Security money I religiously paid in with every paycheck from the age of 16 until I retired at 65) I very much appreciate your kind sentiments, Diane. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Thank you so much! Those of us who have fought the good fight and paid into social security are fired up against any candidate who fails to understand it’s not entitlement!

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Right, a paid subscription base is built off free subscribers—without their promotion and interactions, maybe we’d never attract paid ones! Hats off to the free subscribers; they’re well appreciated!

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Thanks! You said it better than I did, Bethel!

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Bravo Diane! A beautiful sentiment/ and for those of us who Are not able to subscribe thank YOU for your work here which is invaluable !!

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Thanks, Pamela. Not work, just a pleasure to share!

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That’s even better!! 💖

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I absolutely welcome and value all free subscribers! Thanks for writing this post, Diane!

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Thanks, Joan!

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Apr 29Liked by Diane K24

I have occasionally restacked with a quote a particular newsletter post because of its exceptional content. If someone sees that Note or Restack and subscribes, all the better for that author. If nothing else, someone might read something truly enlightening that they otherwise might have not seen.

I’ve discovered some of my favorite smaller subscriber count Substack newsletters and authors precisely because I clicked on the bio of that restacked article’s author or read a good comment and thought “who is this deep thinker? Do they have their own newsletter?” I read what they post, I see what they read.

That’s how I found Diane K24. (Someday I will learn what the K24 stands for.)

Also the trolls and bots become apparent really fast unless they’ve toggled off “show on your profile” what they read. I’ve only come across one person that’s done that.

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As with everything in life you have to decide if you are going to live my faith or fear.

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I don’t know how these maga-T’s can sleep at night.

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Thanks for finding me, Michael! 24 is election time💙🇺🇸💙

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K=1000. Should it not be 2K24?

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Gosh, I might have to change it😎

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🤣 I love it! Trying to keep it short!

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Apr 30Liked by Diane K24

So wonder I couldn’t figure that out. It’s too obvious. 🤦🏼‍♂️

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100 percent--the community here is glorious! Everyone keeps me uplifted and inspired.

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Thanks, Alicia! I agree💙🇺🇸💙

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I must sheepishly confess that each little heart ❤️ and comment on my posts sends me over the moon. I've been a loyal follower of a Substack poet I greatly admired, devouring his work daily and enthusiastically responding to each piece. Imagine my shock when he penned a rather blunt piece calling his free subscribers freeloaders. Excuse me?

In a moment of fiery indignation, my snarkier side unleashed a scathing rebuke of his post. The result? A swift unsubscribe and a refund of my $50 annual fee, accompanied by his curt note: "You are too much." Well, thank you very much!

How can anyone not cherish their readers, especially here on Substack, where the sea of competition is as vast as the oceans? Are we all just chasing after paid subscriptions?

For me, the joy and camaraderie found here are priceless. The day I received my first paid subscription notice, I was so overwhelmed I actually cried. Call it cheesy, but I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I took the leap into Substack waters on January 1, and I'm still fumbling a bit with posting. But like Diane, I am wholeheartedly grateful for every soul who takes the time to peruse my humble scribbles. Here's to cherishing every click, every read, and every heartfelt connection!

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I offer only free subscriptions but have garnered half-a-dozen monetary pledges, for which I feel grateful as well as flattered, but I intend to keep my ‘stack free. I try to support other artists with subscriptions and coffee but the budget is limited. Maybe keeping the ‘stack free is a pretty good trade-off.

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I can’t believe he said freeloader…what an ass! There was another writer who basically dissed followers too. I agree we can’t subscribe to everyone… but I’m grateful for my subscribers and followers ….mostly from being recommended by someone! To me that’s the most important thing here, referring and sharing great pieces for others to find! Thank you for recognizing and saluting free subscribers, Diane! The connections and friendships and wealth of learning , improving and understanding is why Substack works! At least in our little corner of decent, caring people! 😊☺️

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💕 thank you, Joan! I agree. I’ve learned from so many talented writers such as yourself. Our Blue Notes Community has been fantastic and caring. I’m enjoying poetry and art as never before too!

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I was upset by the “freeloader” comment by more than one Substacker. That’s why I began thinking about those who are here for self-promotion instead of really treasuring others. One man only reads “Substack Reads”—if I depended on that, I would have missed 50 wonderful Substacks!

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Exactly. I have learned so much, laughed so much, cried, screamed, raged. Substack literally brings one to life.

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I try to restack and comment on all the writers I follow. It's not in budget to be a paid subscriber to all of them. I can help raise their visibility and spread their message.

Diane, thank you for recognizing the value of subscribers like me.

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Thank you, Whittakers💙🇺🇸💙

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Thanks for recommending Diane’s Blue Notes, Lorraine!

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My two fave Dianes!💕

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