Take walks. Hike if close by or the drive isn’t too far. Get a little forest bathing in. Breathe. Smell. Repeat.

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I bake or I read.

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I totally agree!! I'm currently revisiting a perennial thought "what if I posted my drawings with no commentary- if I got online at all"

I loved the photos you shared!! Thank you!! 💚💚💚💚💚

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Thanks, Sue. You bring such joy and distraction💚💙❤️Todsy I need all the vibes out there—more later. 😢

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Thank you so much!! Hugs to you and sending you more good vibes than you could hold in a large wheelbarrow 💚💚💚💚💚💚

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I found the news so disturbing, fear of loss of democracy from the messages of the convention, that I hit mute and then turned off the tv. Peace, not there, as you say, Diane.

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Yes, Mary, thanks for your thoughts which reflect everyone I know. 💙🇺🇸💙

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My art keeps me focused and centered. I love to draw, and am learning how to paint watercolors.

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Thanks! Sean, I have art supplies I need to get out—I do think art is healing. The last time I really got into art deeply was after knee and hip surgeries. Keep drawing ✍️ 💙

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I know I need to get away from it! I’ll go to the gym, or bake while playing my music loudly in the kitchen! But November can’t get here soon enough!! 💙💙

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Play your music as loud as you want. What’s your landlord going to do? Evict you? That already happened. Neighbor complained? Smile back and ask what tune they’d like to hear. Soon only the corn will be listening.

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Sounds like you’ve got a good routine, Susan💙

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It is hard to disengage from the stupidity and lies and not want to confront them. I despair of this mindset where money will buy the election and there are people applauding it.

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Leah, following the money is depressing because we know how much good for real people could be done with it. Perhaps getting the votes out for Biden-Harris is time better spent than confronting cultists. Let’s use our frustration to overcome lies when we think we can win someone over. I’m not convinced any Trumplikin can be won over. It’s red koolaid time.

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Taking breaks is essential! Especially time in nature unplugged, it really helps reset everything. Thanks for writing this!

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Scott, thanks—nature is restorative. What makes this week bad is that during the RNC, it’s too hot here to go more than 5 minutes.

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Ugh yeah that is pretty rough! I meditate daily and that helps a bit. At least we are halfway thru this circus this week!

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Yes! Meditation here too!

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